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White Giant: Jan 1 5136
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[White Giant]
White Giant - World Statistics
Total # of Countries  6,377 
Countries with Presidents  782 
Enterprises  109 
Countries without a President  5,595 
State Corporations  156,457 
Private Corporations  25,457 

If you are not a player in this world, you can sign up.

Players and their countries of origin:

United States   813
not specified   150
Britain (UK)   21
Australia   20
Netherlands   14
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W3Creative will give awards to good players. All awards are given in Simcountry Gold Coins.

The number of Gold Coins awarded depend on the number of players in a world.

Country Awards
Number of Awards Number of Gold Coins
1   80 Gold Coins
7   31 Gold Coins
1   8 Gold Coins
Presidents Hall of Fame for White Giant
CEO Awards
Number of Awards Number of Gold Coins
1   41 Gold Coins
5   16 Gold Coins
CEO Hall of Fame for White Giant