White Giant Daily Telegraph, Dec 15, 5186 |
International News
Declaration of War
The Grand State of Amelata has declared war on The Kingdom of Barba sol.
Sun Nov 16, 5186 The Grand State of Amelata has
declared war on The Kingdom of Barba sol. War will start on September 16 5187.
Declaration of War
The Commonwealth of Carmella has declared war on The Grand State of Merkawa.
Thu Nov 13, 5186 The Commonwealth of Carmella has declared war on The Grand State of Merkawa. War will start on September 13 5187.
Large Earth Quake hits UNION STATES OF TRUMP
Thu Nov 05, 5186
The official magnitude of the earthquake was 7.8 which
was felt in the whole country. 65838 were killed and 117490 persons were wounded. 778602 were displaced by the earthquake.