White Giant Daily Telegraph, Apr 15, 5186 |
International News
Treboria army takes full control in The Democratic Union of Silvia Jet
Thu Mar 16, 5186 Air Force Attack and Bombing Wing 'Adams terra' attacks the city of 'Malasta'
After the attack, the president of The Democratic Union of Silvia Jet is reported to have left the country and a new government approved by Treboria has been nominated. The Democratic Union of Silvia Jet (the attacked country) reports:
- The city of Malasta is completely destroyed.
- There were 68589 casualties and 61549 civilians were wounded.
- Weapons based at Malasta may have been destroyed.
- The defense was assisted by the Garrison TG2101.
Treboria (the attacker) reports:
- On the Treboria side no losses were reported.
- The attack may have been reduced or eliminated by Anti Missile Missiles.
Declaration of War
Treboria has declared war on The Democratic Union of Silvia Jet.
Sun Mar 9, 5186 Treboria has declared war on The Democratic Union of Silvia Jet. War will start on January 09 5187.
Light Earth Quake hits GREY STATE GULF
Thu Mar 04, 5186
The official magnitude of the earthquake was 6.8 which
was felt in the whole country. 54953 were killed and 155691 persons were wounded. 213949 were displaced by the earthquake.