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White Giant: Jun 19 5132
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Easy to start 
The president was active in the last week.
Emperor:  Supremo Burrito 
Government Type:  Democracy 
Start Date:  Jan 5119 
World:  White Giant 
Continent:  Eridana 
Region:  Painted Valley 
Empire:  Slave (12 countries) 
Nuclear Power:  No 
Common Market:  BURRITO CARTEL 
War Level:  Level 0 
War Status:  Not at war 
War Protection:  No war protection 
Country Score:  Country score is 23089.00 
Game Level:  Game Level 4 
important things to do
president message
the national anthem
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Best Presidents
From rank:     to    
Rank   President Name Game Level Country Name  Score   Defense Rank Finance  Nuke Nominal Value
614 (-2) Prince Greg   Level 1 Solace 3 23124 image 40 373 no Secret
615 Supremo Burrito  Level 4 GREY STATE GULF 23096 image 676 131 no Secret
616 Supremo Burrito  Level 4 GREY STATE HOTEL 23089 image 677 132 no Secret
617 Supremo Burrito  Level 4 GREY STATE JULIET 22935 image 678 133 no 123.30 USD
618 (+1) Supremo Burrito  Level 4 GREY STATE INDIGO 22908 image 679 140 no Secret
619 (-1) Lemon with Knife  Level 2 Mabruka 22907 image 614 377 no 251.18 USD
620 Supremo Burrito  Level 4 GREY STATE KILO 22891 image 680 134 no 113.91 USD
621 Lemon with Knife  Level 2 Banana Republic 22803 image 453 498 no Secret
622 Lemon with Knife  Level 2 Lemon Pie 22719 image 162 448 no Secret

List of the 300 best performing presidents and awards.
Presidents Hall of Fame for White Giant.


The rating is calculated from many indexes. The most important ones are listed below.

i  Population Size  58,567,808 
i  Education Index  150.27 
i  Health Index  137.11 
i  Social Security  102.00 
i  Employment Index  93.03 
i  Transportation Index  175.68 
i  Business and Trade Index  116.55 
i  Finance Index  Secret 
i  War Situation Index  50.00 
i  Defense Index  Secret 
i  Defensive Force Index  Secret 
i  Offensive Force Index  Secret 
i  Strategic Force Index  Secret 
  Welfare Index  118.24 
  Assets  Secret 
i  Corporation Value  19,323.96B SC$ 

News Flash

  GREY STATE HOTEL Daily Telegraph, Jun 19, 5132  
Country News

Teach Message
Thu Jun 4, 5132  Your country does not have defensive radar planes. Radar planes are important for your defense. If you are attacked, your air force will be more effective in defending your country if it gets information on where the attack will hit. This information is only available if you have radar planes. Make sure you have at least three and defend your defensive air force base heavily to prevent their destruction. Your enemy will try to destroy these radar planes because attacks on targets in your country become easier when the radar planes are out of action.

  White Giant Daily Telegraph, Jun 19, 5132  
International News

Large Earth Quake hits Adamcore Empire Def base 2
Thu Jun 03, 5132  
The official magnitude of the earthquake was 7.9 which was felt in the whole country. The epicenter of the quake was in Adamcore Empire Defensive base. 1570 were killed and 3662 persons were wounded. 28293 were displaced by the earthquake.