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White Giant: Dec 21 5135
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Welcome on the Home Page of Black Knights

CEO:  Jimmy 
Start Date:  Nov 5073 
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Enterprise Assets
Total Market Value of all Corporations  56,961.87B SC$Total market value
Debt of the Enterprise  0.00B SC$Loans taken
Total Loans given to Others  0.00B SC$Loans given
Cash Available  39,444.86B SC$Cash position
Total Assets  96,606.82B SC$Total assets

Score and World Rating

The enterprise "Black Knights" has rank 9 in this world. The current score is 15050image.

Best CEOs
From rank:     to    
Rank   CEO Name Game Level Enterprise Name Score   Nominal Value
7 rhou69919   Level 3   Dutch Compound 15505 image 541.87 USD
8 zfryman   Level 4   Regina INC 15319 image 190.52 USD
9 Jimmy   Level 3   Black Knights 15049 image 411.09 USD
10 Star Mack  Level 1   Star Inc 14524 image 60.02 USD
11 Daito Hiroshi  Level 1   Jujutsu Enterprise 14340 image 1,274.05 USD

list of the 200 best performing CEOs.
CEO Hall of Fame for White Giant.

This rating is calculated from some important indexes. These indexes are listed below. Once you are familiar with them it is easy to see how well an enterprise is doing.

Please click on the links to get more details:

i  Finance 
i  Business and Trade 
i  Corporations 
i  Employment 
  Productivity Index  224.8Enterprise productivity index
  Quality Index  184.0Enterprise quality index
  Production Index  101.89Average Production Index
  Hiring Index  98.0Hiring this month
  Welfare Index  104.05Average Welfare Index


News Flash

You will find the latest news items right here on the enterprise home page, but you can also read the complete newspaper of this enterprise.

  Black Knights Daily Telegraph, Dec 21, 5135  
International News

No News in December 5135
Currently no news has been received.

  White Giant Daily Telegraph, Dec 21, 5135  
International News

Declaration of War
The Empire of Bentano has declared war on The Empire of Minosa.
Tue Dec 10, 5135 The Empire of Bentano has declared war on The Empire of Minosa. War will start on October 10 5136.