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White Giant: Jun 20 5132
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Welcome to "The Republic of Carmen ira"

Easy to start 
The president was active in the last month.
President:  dais0615 
Government Type:  Presidential Democracy 
Start Date:  Dec 5072 
World:  White Giant 
Continent:  Lynx Minor 
Region:  Micron Bollero 
Empire:  Slave (2 countries) 
Nuclear Power:  No 
Federation:  The Tera Una u... 
Common Market:  None 
War Level:  Level 1 
War Status:  Not at war 
War Protection:  No war protection 
Country Score:  Country score is 13837.00 
Game Level:  Game Level 2 
important things to do
president message
the national anthem
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Best Presidents
From rank:     to    
Rank   President Name Game Level Country Name  Score   Defense Rank Finance  Nuke Nominal Value
658 Mastermind   Level 3 Everglow Enslaved... 14083 image 608 359 no 81.50 USD
659 Mark Hen  Level 1 The United Kingdo... 14003 image 609 430 no Secret
660 dais0615   Level 2 The Republic of C... 13837 image 509 242 no 87.85 USD
661 dushanth   Level 2 The Democratic Un... 13836 image 510 370 no 57.41 USD
662 Realteddy564   Level 1 La Republica del ... 13602 image 610 166 no 108.79 USD
663 Rimuru Tempest  Level 1 Maharlika 13330 image 541 232 no Secret
664 youyi31023   Level 1 The Independent S... 13261 image 611 239 no 193.28 USD
665 trigger0357   Level 1 The Republic of M... 12626 image 156 444 no 44.95 USD
666 Genered   Level 2 Acanthus 12213 image 542 249 no 35.46 USD

List of the 300 best performing presidents and awards.
Presidents Hall of Fame for White Giant.


The rating is calculated from many indexes. The most important ones are listed below.

i  Population Size  35,194,348 
i  Education Index  120.40 
i  Health Index  99.91 
i  Social Security  82.55 
i  Employment Index  88.41 
i  Transportation Index  91.33 
i  Business and Trade Index  94.05 
i  Finance Index  143.17 
i  War Situation Index  52.33 
i  Defense Index  5.25 
i  Defensive Force Index  7.75 
i  Offensive Force Index  3.07 
i  Strategic Force Index  2.38 
  Welfare Index  94.26 
  Assets  20,645.23B SC$ 
i  Corporation Value  11,631.58B SC$ 

News Flash

  The Republic of Carmen ira Daily Telegraph, Jun 20, 5132  
Country News

Teach Message
Thu Jun 5, 5132  Your country does not have defensive radar planes. Radar planes are important for your defense. If you are attacked, your air force will be more effective in defending your country if it gets information on where the attack will hit. This information is only available if you have radar planes. Make sure you have at least three and defend your defensive air force base heavily to prevent their destruction. Your enemy will try to destroy these radar planes because attacks on targets in your country become easier when the radar planes are out of action.

  White Giant Daily Telegraph, Jun 20, 5132  
International News

Large Earth Quake hits Adamcore Empire Def base 2
Thu Jun 03, 5132  
The official magnitude of the earthquake was 7.9 which was felt in the whole country. The epicenter of the quake was in Adamcore Empire Defensive base. 1570 were killed and 3662 persons were wounded. 28293 were displaced by the earthquake.