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White Giant: Jan 7 5136
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This is the financial statement for the enterprise. It contains figures like the enterprise's income and expenses.

financial statement
profit & loss

Review the financial situation of this enterprise.

Enterprise Indexes
Number of Corporations in the Enterprise  13Number of corporations
Average Corporate Productivity Index  224.80Enterprise productivity index
Average Product Quality Index  224.90Enterprise quality index
Average Utilization in the Corporations  99.6 %Average utilization this month
Average Hiring in the Corporations  100.0 %Hiring this month
Enterprise Assets
Total Value of Private Corporations  9,316.20B SC$Value of private corporations  
Total Value of Shares in Controlled Public Corporations  0.00B SC$Value of enterprise controlled corporations  
Total Value of Minority Share Holdings  16.87B SC$   
   ---------------- +   
Total Market Value of all Corporations     9,333.07B SC$Total market value
Debt including inherited loans from closed Corporations     0.00B SC$Loans taken
Total Loans given to Others     0.00B SC$Loans given
Cash Available     3,718.79B SC$Cash position
Value of Materials     1,031.07B SC$Value of all materials
Military Assets     0.00B SC$Value of all army assets
     ---------------- + 
Total Assets     14,082.93B SC$Total assets
Enterprise Cash Flow
Last Month Cash  3,704.80B SC$Previous Cash position
Interest Received  0.00B SC$Interest Received
Interest Paid  0.00B SC$ 
Loan Paybacks Received  0.00B SC$Loan payback - received
New Loans Taken  0.00B SC$New loans taken
Loans Paid Back  0.00B SC$ 
New Loans Given  0.00B SC$New loans given
Cost of Setting Up New Corporations  0.00B SC$ 
Corporations bought, closed or moved and Enterprise Tax  0.00B SC$ 
Income from Selling Corporations  0.00B SC$Earned From Selling Corporations
Cash from Closed Corporations  0.00B SC$Cash Transfer
Materials Purchased on the Market  0.00B SC$ 
Materials Sold on the Market  0.00B SC$Something
Raw Materials Purchased from own Corporations  0.00B SC$ 
Raw Materials Sold to own Corporations  0.00B SC$Something
Maintenance Cost of Weapons  0.00B SC$Something
Cash Transfers To and From Corporations  0.00B SC$ 
Profit Payments and Cash Transfers  13.99B SC$Total profit contributions
Bonuses and Awards  0.00B SC$Cash Transfer
Income/Cost of Shares  0.00B SC$ 
Income from Dividend from Public Corporations  0.01B SC$Dividend Income
Cash Available  3,718.79B SC$Cash position
Corporation Data - Total of All Corporations
Total Employed  4,855,405Number of employed this month
Average Salary per Worker per Month  962.00 SC$Average salary in the enterprise
Total Production  58.81B SC$Total month production in millions
Cash Flow - Totals in All Corporations    
Total Turnover - Products Sold  58.76B SC$Turnover this month
Total Salaries  -4.67B SC$Salaries this month
Total Materials Cost  -13.19B SC$Cost of materials this month
Total Interest Paid  0.00B SC$Total of interest paid this month in millions
Paid to Countries for Resources Used  -11.16B SC$Resources Used This Month
Total Fixed Cost  -2.45B SC$Fixed Cost This Month
Total Maintenance Cost  -0.96B SC$Maintenance Cost This Month
Total Profit  26.34B SC$Profit or loss this month

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