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White Giant: Jul 2 5132
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If you have a shortage or surplus of workers, you may try to exchange professionals with another country.
If you educated too many professionals, you can change the profession of some workers.

Occupation and Income Statistics
Population  142,463,562Total Population
Employment Index  96.65Employment Index
Number of Employed  69,936,969Number of working people
Number of Unemployed  1,389,062Number of Jobless People
Total Income of all Workers this month  178125.37M SC$Total Spending
Average Income of Workers per Year
Profession   Average Income   Income for Government Workers  
Low Level Worker  11,477  SC$Income of low level workers 12,455  SC$ 
Medium Level Worker  14,796  SC$Income of medium level workers 16,215  SC$ 
High Level Worker  17,346  SC$Income of high level workers 18,800  SC$ 
Low Level Manager  22,472  SC$Income of low level managers 23,500  SC$ 
Medium Level Manager  29,685  SC$Income of medium level managers 31,020  SC$ 
High Level Manager  37,100  SC$Income of high level managers 38,775  SC$ 
Executive  76,512  SC$Income of executives 81,075  SC$ 
High Tech Engineer  29,687  SC$Income of high tech engineers 31,255  SC$ 
High Tech Senior  47,112  SC$Income of senior high tech engineers 49,350  SC$ 
High Tech Executive  94,772  SC$Income of high tech executives 98,700  SC$ 
Teacher  18,800  SC$Income of teachers 18,800  SC$ 
University Teacher  25,380  SC$Income of university teachers 25,380  SC$ 
Nurse  13,160  SC$Income of nurses 13,160  SC$ 
Doctor  33,135  SC$Income of doctors 33,135  SC$ 
Senior Doctor  41,125  SC$Income of senior doctors 41,125  SC$ 
Soldier  12,690  SC$Income of soldiers 12,690  SC$ 
Officer  25,850  SC$Income of officers 25,850  SC$ 
Number of Workers by Age
Age   Low Level   Medium Level   High Level  
15 to 18  1,014,426 - - 
18 to 21  3,002,653 - - 
21 to 24  1,646,281  746,182 - 
24 to 30  1,902,869  2,032,658  1,425,525 
30 to 35  1,433,848  1,686,842  1,033,781 
35 to 40  1,241,913  1,997,469  1,042,354 
40 to 45  1,509,787  2,251,010  1,045,699 
45 to 50  1,136,659  2,370,766  1,028,813 
50 to 55  1,480,528  2,522,885  690,831 
55 to 60  2,243,268  1,972,374  406,480 
60 to 65  2,110,820  1,298,243  234,517 
Total Employed:  18,723,052Low level workers 16,878,429Medium level workers 6,908,000High level workers
Total Unemployed:  167,633Unemployed low level workers 337,670Unemployed medium level workers 119,458Unemployed high level workers
Total Profession:  18,840,685Number of low level workers 17,216,099Number of medium level workers 7,027,458Number of high level workers
Needed for New Facilities:  154,800  154,800  56,600 
Needed for 100% Production:  0Low Level Workers Needed for 100% 0Medium Level Workers Needed for 100% 0High Level Workers Needed for 100%
Number of Managers by Age
Age   Low Level   Medium Level   High Level   Executives  
15 to 18  - - - - 
18 to 21  - - - - 
21 to 24  - - - - 
24 to 30  539,643  387,658 - - 
30 to 35  606,221  439,678  236,663  77,585 
35 to 40  643,642  458,094  262,356  74,528 
40 to 45  645,594  430,690  244,764  71,512 
45 to 50  604,609  405,187  228,791  68,212 
50 to 55  570,426  384,866  216,092  64,750 
55 to 60  369,946  247,728  138,912  41,564 
60 to 65  210,690  120,625  78,034  26,598 
Total Employed:  4,190,771Low level managers 2,874,526Medium level managers 1,405,612High level managers 424,749Executives
Total Unemployed:  60,394Unemployed low level managers 60,714Unemployed medium level managers 51,219Unemployed high level managers 13,641Unemployed executives
Total Profession:  4,251,165Number of low level managers 2,935,240Number of medium level managers 1,456,831Number of high level managers 438,390Number of executives
Graduated Last Month:  3,912Number of graduated - low level managers 2,734Number of graduated - medium level managers 2,260Number of graduated - high level managers 1,389Number of graduated - executives
Education Priority:  2  2  6  17 
Needed for New Facilities:  20,600  14,600  6,400  2,500 
Needed for 100% Production:  0Low Level Managers Needed for 100% 0Medium Level Managers Needed for 100% 0High Level Managers Needed for 100% 0Executives Needed for 100%
High Tech People by Age
Age   Engineers   Seniors   Executives  
15 to 18  - - - 
18 to 21  - - - 
21 to 24  1,298,332 - - 
24 to 30  2,331,616 - - 
30 to 35  1,662,466  423,167  0 
35 to 40  1,408,808  406,574  64,398 
40 to 45  1,181,503  390,571  61,825 
45 to 50  986,840  374,077  59,805 
50 to 55  621,482  357,636  58,238 
55 to 60  296,531  231,026  46,707 
60 to 65  140,484  112,636  27 
Total Employed:  9,928,062High tech engineers 2,295,687High tech seniors 291,000High tech executives
Total Unemployed:  298,986Unemployed high tech engineers 68,860Unemployed high tech seniors 5,683Unemployed high tech executives
Total Profession:  10,277,048Number of high tech engineers 2,364,547Number of high tech seniors 296,683Number of high tech executives
Graduated Last Month:  39,184Number of graduated - HT engineer 7,560Number of graduated - high tech seniors 1,141Number of graduated - high tech executives
Education Priority:  26  15  19 
Needed for New Facilities:  48,600  10,800  1,580 
Needed for 100% Production:  0High-Tech Engineers Needed for 100% 0High-Tech Seniors Needed for 100% 0High-Tech Executives Needed for 100%
Number of Teachers by Age
Age   Teacher   University Teacher  
15 to 18  - - 
18 to 21  - - 
21 to 24  - - 
24 to 30  272,067 - 
30 to 35  276,203  65,898 
35 to 40  282,448  66,526 
40 to 45  286,676  66,971 
45 to 50  287,611  66,371 
50 to 55  190,066  65,054 
55 to 60  93,662  42,445 
60 to 65  45,814  20,735 
Total Employed:  1,734,547Teachers 394,000University teachers
Total Unemployed:  70,425Unemployed teachers 33,642Unemployed university teachers
Total Profession:  1,804,972Number of teachers 427,642Number of university teachers
Graduated Last Month:  2,028Number of graduated - teachers 938Number of graduated - university teachers
Education Priority:  1  2 
Needed for New Facilities:  0  0 
Hospital Staff by Age
Age   Nurse   Doctor   Senior Doctor  
15 to 18  - - - 
18 to 21  - - - 
21 to 24  228,203 - - 
24 to 30  457,012  146,134 - 
30 to 35  386,857  118,638  0 
35 to 40  392,402  116,493  94,396 
40 to 45  384,175  115,976  92,443 
45 to 50  369,925  113,396  91,741 
50 to 55  355,186  109,975  91,314 
55 to 60  0  71,608  60,155 
60 to 65  0  35,060  29,551 
Total Employed:  2,573,760Nurses 827,280Doctors 459,600Senior doctors
Total Unemployed:  42,112Unemployed nurses 34,672Unemployed doctors 23,953Unemployed senior doctors
Total Profession:  2,615,872Number of nurses 861,952Number of doctors 483,553Number of senior doctors
Graduated Last Month:  1,604Number of graduated - nurses 2,213Number of graduated - doctors 1,720Number of graduated - senior doctors
Education Priority:  1  4  5 
Needed for New Facilities:  33,600  10,800  6,000 
Number of (drafted) Soldiers and Officers by Age
Age   Soldiers   Officers  
15 to 18  - - 
18 to 21  5,223 - 
21 to 24  2,863 - 
24 to 30  3,307  1,325 
30 to 35  2,494  1,501 
35 to 40  2,158  1,563 
40 to 45  2,626  1,476 
45 to 50  1,975  1,383 
50 to 55  - - 
55 to 60  - - 
60 to 65  - - 
Total Employed:  20,646Soldiers 7,248Officers

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